We are sorry you are experiencing some difficulty. Please read the following titles, to see if any of them will resolve your issue. If none of these are the information you are looking for be sure to follow our instructions below.
How do I create an account?
By clicking Create an Account at the top of the Home Page; you will be prompted to answer some questions. Some are required others are not. Please follow through.
You will be asked to create a password. It must be between 8 and 16 alphanumeric characters long (letters and numbers with at least one of each) you may use upper case and special characters if you wish, but it is not required. After you finish you will receive a confirmation to the e-mail address you provided.
Your full name will never be publicly displayed, only your first name or your user name (maximum 16 alpha-numeric characters only). You will need your e-mail address and password to log in again, please make sure you are able to remember them.
How can I change the information in my account?
On your “My Account” page you will have several options. It is good practice to keep your settings up to date. If you have address’ you don’t ship to any longer, please delete them.
I have forgotten my password!
When you try and log in, if you do not remember your password or user ID, you will see the following: “I forgot my password”. Please click on it and follow the prompts.
I don’t see products on MMF (mail my food) that I have tried before. How can I ask you to carry them?
We would love to hear from you, and will do our best to carry all your favorites. Please write to us at with the complete name of the product, who manufactures it, if possible an address, e-mail or phone number, which is generally printed on the label or back of the package. If it is imported, by whom, or who distributes it. Sending us as much information as possible will help us find your products. If you can only provide us with the name and who manufactures it, send that to us and we will do our best to find it. We offer no guarantees, but we will most certainly do our best.
I tried the product I purchased and I don’t like it
For the most part, because of the nature of food, we do not accept returns on opened items. Each vendor and each product has its own return policies. There is a bit of a gamble, since it is food you are purchasing. We suggest you read all related information for each product before you make your decision to purchase it.
Should you find that your question was not addressed here, please read through our Frequently Asked Questions or FAQ’s at the bottom or footer of every page. If you need further assistance, please contact us at