U.S. Food Recalls
This is exclusively a reference service mailmyfood.com offers it’s visitors, customers and vendors based on information publicly provided by the FDA and the USDA. In no way or form is the FDA or the USDA endorsing mailmyfood.com. Their information is part of the public domain and they allow their information to be shared excluding any copyrighted materials such as images of products that may be protected under such laws. We are in no way responsible for the information or misinformation here provided as we are not a regulation or inspection company. If you should wish to visit their websites through the links here provided for further information, we encourage you to do so, but you understand that once you access their sites you are bound by their Terms of Use and Privacy Policies. It is solely your responsibility to abide by their rules and regulations and we will not be held liable for your use or misuse of their sites.
The FDA is The Food and Drug Administration. An Agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Their official website is www.fda.gov. They are responsible for protecting public health by ensuring the security of the food supply, amongst others, by making sure it is safe, wholesome, sanitary and properly labeled. This includes all foods, except for meat from livestock, poultry and some egg products which are regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) official web site is www.usda.gov. They oversee the American farming industry which includes inspecting food to ensure the safety of the American public. Mail My Food considers their public information services to be of great value to people living in the United States, for this reason we have decided to share it with you.
The information shared below is a list of the last 20 food recalls which the FDA has posted on their website here: http://www.fda.gov/food/recallsoutbreaksemergencies/recalls/default.htm and the last 20 that the USDA have posted for recall here http://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsis/topics/recalls-and-public-health-alerts/current-recalls-and-alerts
Should you be interested in later food recalls we encourage you to visit their website at the links provided. We cannot provide images of the food that has been recalled but the FDA and the USDA have some of the images of the recalled products or the labels, which you can see by clicking a link on the recalled information product page.